© 2016 Dynamic Produce Marketing.

Fresh and delicious onions delivered directly to you.

High quality spanish onions

Fresh and delicious onions delivered directly to you.
Spanish Onions
Dynamic Produce work closely with some of the best growers and packers in Spain to bring great quality onions to the market. We can pack in any format that is required.

Egyptian red onions direct from the grower.

Egyptian Red Onions
Egyptian red onions have been a speciality for over 15 years. Dynamic works directly with their Egyptian partner, guaranteeing the best quality and continuity of supply.

White and red cabbages grown in the UK by Naylors, one of the biggest growers in the country.

Red and White cabbages in abundance

Enough cabbages to meet the high demand.

White and red cabbages grown in the UK by Naylors, one of the biggest growers in the country.
English Cabbages
Dynamic source directly from the growers, working closely with one of the biggest white and red cabbage growers in the UK, we can guarantee 12 months supply.